Five days! That's all I have to learn Ruby and do my homework. So I decided to split it, two days to learn Ruby and three to take the quiz 1 and do the homework 1. The good thing about the last one is that I can submit my solution after the due date but it will receive a penalty of 25 %. Not much. In fact I don't really care if I am graded less as long as I understand the concepts and learn. I'm not taking this course for the certificate, I think of it as a reward for my efforts but the real certificate is the knowledge I will gain.
Lets learn Ruby! So where to start? Where else? Codecademy! I am not a complete beginner so I thought i will be able to follow the courses. Indeed! My brain still hurts but it was rewarding. I was working all day long for two days in a row and was able to complete the Codecademy class on Ruby. I am certainly not an expert now but it helped me remember the key concepts of programming. Also, Ruby looks a lot like Python which I am familiar with (took 6.00x on edx). Here is screenshot of my progress:
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