Hello everyone! I have created this blog in order to keep track of my progress in edx as well as to inform you about the quality and the workload of various edx's online courses.
I discovered edx about a year ago, a little after the first course, 6.002x: Circuits and Electronics was offered by MITx in March 2012. I loved the idea! Courses offered online for free by the best universities in the world. At that time I was starting to teach myself a little programming in python but since I had no prior experience in programming or computer science at all, it seemed quite difficult. And then came 6.00x . Exactly what I needed : Introduction to computer science and programming in python by MITx ! It seemed like a gift. I wasted no time and enrolled at the class that was starting in the fall of 2012. What an experience ! I surely have learned tons of things I didn't expect. I am still very proud I managed to finish it and get the certificate of mastery. It was certainly a challenge. After that, I tried courses like CS188: Artificial Intelligence by BerkeleyX and 14.73x: The challenges of global poverty by MITx and now I am taking CS169.1x: Software As A Service by BerkeleyX , but more on these later! It's time for me to introduce myself!
Well, besides being an Edx Student, I also study Architecture at university. I am a full time student as you see! My passion for architecture and computational design is what inspired me to learn programming at first. So my initial goal was to learn an easy programming language that could help me advance my skills. Indeed, I learned python, thanks to edx, and that helped me a lot with my university projects. I could have stopped there but another passion started to grow inside me, the passion for programming itself! You probably have figured that out already from the list of courses I have attended. Well, that's enough talking about me! You will have the chance to know me better through my posts!
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